Hey loves I'm Cori. A lady from the east coast of the united states. I've traveled all over but In my humble opinion, it is the best. We're abrasive loyal and hustlers red white brown yellow no matter. The frequency and characteristics are cohesive in my experience the only other place I would live in is Texas. I like Texas. That's where my love of big trucks came from this guy with a white 2012 350 fucked me so good ill never forget it. Anyway, I'm transitioning from healthcare to Tech, and this is a good gig to do while I rack up my certs. I have experience camming I've been on multiple sites over the years and always have fun I love meeting people developing relationships and getting to embrace my sexy side. In my spare time, I love to do a number of hobbies ranging from singing, dancing, cooking, making cocktails and crafting. Being outdoors is always exciting I try to go Hiking at least 3-6xs a month October is usually a camping month 4 me in addition to early spring. Visiting art and science museums hold a special place I'm my heart when my dad was alive it was one of the things we did together he loves art and fashion and though I'm not as well-rounded as him I hope to one day emulate him in a way he'd be proud of. Shopping and antiquing is a calm way for me to escape if it's for me or someone else spending money is my way of giving back to society. Plus, Interior decorating has become a new love as I finally settle into my home mainly concentrating on my downstairs and bathroom at the moment. I'm throwing a Halloween party and I have a couple of people I want to make feel like shit, not intentional per se but reciprocating what energy and vibes they've already sent my way. I've already planned my menu now to just get the house aesthetically pleasing enough to crush their spirits while also entering them with my classy debonair place that just screams " Yo ratchet ass could never ".. lol So that's exciting I can't wait.
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